Welcome to my blog.

The purpose of this blog is simple: providing a platform to communicate about communication. We live in a world which has been made smaller by our ability to connect and communicate. So, let's get to talkin' already.

Monday, October 8, 2012

It Takes a Village

here is no doubt about it; it takes a village to raise a graduate. I may be a bit early in my assessment, but I promise you that this post is not one of boasting or vanity, but is instead one of humility, gratitude and a great deal of respect.

After a very quick assessment of the past 2 and-a-half years of my life, I wanted to take just a moment to simply say how thankful I am for the faculty and fellow students of Ashford University. I know, without a doubt, that there is no way I would be where I am today (anxiously and patiently waiting for my grade in my final course of my BA in Communication Studies) without the help, encouragement, reflections and constructive criticism of my peers and the instructors who have walked through this journey with me.

Yes, there were a lot of nights with less sleep than I desired and I certainly put in a lot of work and effort to get here, but I want to say with the sincerest and deepest sense of gratitude, that I am forever indebted to the entire University for my ability to look graduation in the face and say, I've finally arrived.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors  and please know that the life lessons which I've learned while studying at Ashford University will remain with me forever.

Thank you for the memories and God bless.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Have a Little Help From Your Friends

etworking is a crucial aspect of success in nearly every field.  If you want to be successful at what you do, it is very important that you learn to lean on others within your field in order to grow, learn and develop your skill set. Communications is such a broad field that there are seriously countless organizations which can help you become successful.  The important thing to keep in mind is that like many other things, you can't simply hope to become great, on your own.  Tap into the resources which are available to help you become a successful player in the Communications field.  

Below is a list of (5) of organizations in the area of Communications.  Take some time to look at who they are, their mission statements and also the common goals which they all share.  I have provided their website addresses as well, so you can find out more information about them.  Again, these are only (5) of the many organizations out there, so don't settle for the list that I found helpful, but instead use this list as a springboard to discover organizations which will be a better fit for you personally.  The main thing to keep in mind is that you need to give some serious thought about getting plugged in, somewhere.

The National Communication Association:

According to the description on their website, the aim of The National Communication Association (NCA) is to advance communication as the discipline that studies all forms, modes, media and consequences of communication through humanistic, social scientific and aesthetic inquiry. (What is NCA)

Their primary focus is to support their members, which include scholars, teachers, practitioners. This organization focuses on the promotion of the appreciation of communication in everyday life, whether it is public or private. They also focus on using ethical communication to solve human problems.

This organization certainly sounds like a valuable resource for anyone in the Communications Field and would be an invaluable source for information.

Website: http://www.natcom.org

The Association of Women in Communication:

The Association of Women in Communications (AWC) has a very clear and powerful mission statement. They state clearly that they are a professional organization that champions the advancement of women across all communications disciplines by recognizing excellence, promoting leadership and positioning its members at the forefront of the evolving communications era. ("AWC overview," )

This organization seems to exist to help women navigate the sometimes treacherous terrain in the Communications field. Looking at the FAQ page on their website some of these issues include pay equity, commitment to education, leadership development and recognitions of excellence. This organization is a wonderful opportunity for women in the communications field.

Website: http://www.womcom.org/AWC-Home.asp

International Communication Association:

The International Communication Association (ICA) aims to advance the scholarly study of human communication by encouraging and facilitating excellence in academic research worldwide. (“Mission statement”).

This organization exists for many reasons, but they also lay out several purposes which they feel meet their primary mission. These include:

  1. Providing an international forum to enable the development, conduct and critical evaluation of communications research 
  2. To sustain a program of high quality scholarly publication and knowledge exchange 
  3. To facilitate inclusiveness and debate among scholars from diverse national and cultural backgrounds 
  4. To promote a wider public interest in, and visibility of, the theories, methods, findings and applications generated by research in communication and allied fields. 

Clearly by this mission statement and the goals, it’s clear that this organization prides itself in the promotion quality individuals in the communications field. Having a international reputation for the betterment of the field of communications as well as the promotion of quality individuals in this field, I think this organization would be a great resource to personal development and networking within this specific field. Having this credential on a resume would certainly enlighten any organization to the values you probably share with the ICA.

Website: http://www.icahdq.org/

Eastern Communication Association:

The Eastern Communication Association (ECA) prides itself on being the oldest professional communications association in the United States. This organization was established in 1910 and it continues to be a pivotal player in the advancement of communications. They pride themselves on achievement in research, criticism, communication theory, and excellence in teaching.

Like the NCA, AWC and the ICA the ECA exists to continue the growth in communication and those in the communications field. The values and leadership of the ECA along with their presence in advancing communications research and training are all wonderful aspects that make this organization great. Being a member in this organization will easily set you apart from others in your field of study who have not invested into an organization with such a rich and productive history.

Source: http://www.ecasite.org/aws/ECA/pt/sp/p_Home_Page

The Center for Nonviolent Communication:

While this organization certainly is different from the others I included in this post, it does seem to be a good fit. While the other organizations I discussed above all exist to support and promote ethical, fair and safe communication the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) exists specifically to ensure that communication happens without fear or violence. This organization makes it their aim to promote a powerfully transformative way of communication in a nonviolent way. They promote healthy listening and speaking in a way that makes people feel important, respected and honored. This is an international organization and without question is a wonderful organization.

While few people probably consider themselves violent by nature, we must also understand that people will always approach communication (especially conflict) in different ways. Organizations like the CNVC make it their aim to ensure people are educated and trained about the difficulties of communication and how we can communicate in these situations in an ethical and safe way.

Website: http://www.cnvc.org/